The Best Way to Get from Charlotte to Myrtle Beach

Explore the best ways to get from Charlotte, North Carolina to Myrtle Beach: flying, taking the bus, or driving. Find out which option is right for you!

The Best Way to Get from Charlotte to Myrtle Beach

Are you looking for the best way to get from Charlotte, North Carolina to Myrtle Beach? There are three main options: flying, taking the bus, or driving. Let's explore each of these options in more detail. The quickest way to get from Charlotte to Myrtle Beach is by plane. There is no direct flight from Charlotte Airport (CLT) to Myrtle Beach Airport (MYR), but the quickest flight with one stopover takes just 2 hours and 27 minutes. If you're looking for a more budget-friendly option, taking the bus is a great choice.

The bus journey time between Charlotte and Myrtle Beach is about 6 hours and 10 minutes, and covers a distance of about 260 miles. There are services departing from Graham St & Wolfberry St and arriving at Myrtle Beach, SC via Charlotte Bus Station and Columbia. Finally, if you're looking for a more leisurely journey, why not take a road trip? It takes approximately 7 hours and 31 minutes to get from Charlotte Station (Amtrak) to Myrtle Beach via Graham St & Wolfberry St, Trade St & Graham St, Charlotte Bus Station and Columbia. You can take Highway 77 (or 52) to Highway 9 and take Highway 9 to the end if you're heading to the northern part of Grand Strand.

Along the way, you can stop off at Broadway at the Beach, a shopping center and entertainment complex located in Myrtle Beach. Whichever option you choose, getting from Charlotte to Myrtle Beach is easy! Whether you're looking for a quick flight or a leisurely road trip, there's something for everyone.

Joann Hardy
Joann Hardy

Hardcore beer specialist. Freelance coffee maven. Freelance music junkie. Typical bacon maven. Lifelong bacon specialist.

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