How Long is the Drive from Wilmington NC to Myrtle Beach SC?

Find out how long it takes to drive from Wilmington NC to Myrtle Beach SC! Learn about the midpoint between these two cities and calculate the cost of driving.

How Long is the Drive from Wilmington NC to Myrtle Beach SC?

Your journey from Wilmington, North Carolina to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina is a short one, clocking in at just 57.2 miles (92 km). Shallotte, North Carolina is the closest city to the midpoint of the drive, located 38 miles from Myrtle Beach and 34 miles from Wilmington. Wilmington is a port city and the seat of New Hanover County on the southeastern coast of North Carolina. If you're planning a road trip, you can use the flight time calculator to compare the results and see how long it would take you to travel that distance by car instead of flying.

Wilmington National Cemetery is a United States national cemetery located in the city of Wilmington. If you're looking for a meeting place or a good stopover halfway between Myrtle Beach and Wilmington, Cool Run, North Carolina is your best bet. It's nearly an hour northeast of Myrtle Beach or nearly an hour southwest of Wilmington. The district encompasses 875 contributing buildings, 38 contributing sites, and 3 contributing structures in the historic center and surrounding residential sections of Wilmington. It's 65.49 miles from Myrtle Beach to Wilmington in a northeasterly direction and 72 miles (115.87 kilometers) by car, following Route US-17. If you're staying with a friend, you might be interested in finding the city that's halfway between Wilmington, North Carolina and Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The exact coordinates of the midpoint of this route are 33.964962 and -78.415.405, or 33º 57' 53.8632 N, 78º 24' 55.458 W.A car with a fuel efficiency of MPG will need 2.88 gallons of gas to cover the route between Myrtle Beach, SC and Wilmington, North Carolina.

The direct drive from Wilmington to North Myrtle Beach is 92 km and should have a journey time of 1 hour and 9 minutes in normal traffic. You can also calculate the cost of driving from Wilmington, North Carolina to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina based on current local gas prices and an estimate of your car's best fuel consumption.

Joann Hardy
Joann Hardy

Hardcore beer specialist. Freelance coffee maven. Freelance music junkie. Typical bacon maven. Lifelong bacon specialist.

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