The best time to visit Myrtle Beach is between May and August, when the weather is better and the tourist score favors clear, rainless days with perceived temperatures between 65°F and 80°F. You can save more money if you go to Myrtle Beach in September, when flights and hotel rates are the cheapest. The worst time to visit Myrtle Beach is between December and February, when temperatures drop to 36 degrees. According to this score, the best times of the year to visit Myrtle Beach and do general outdoor tourist activities are from mid-April to early June and from late September to late October, with a maximum score in the second week of May.
The month with the least humid days in Myrtle Beach is January, with 0.1 days of humidity or worse. The brightest period of the year lasts 3.0 months, from April 8 to July 9, with an average daily incident shortwave energy per square meter exceeding 5.9 kWh. Get into the holiday spirit soon with the Dickens Christmas Show & festival held in Myrtle Beach every November. The prices of Myrtle Beach resorts and hotels fluctuate seasonally, and rooms tend to have higher rates during the peak season. The wind usually comes from the south for 5.5 months, from March 11 to August 26, with a peak percentage of 51% on July 11. Many of Myrtle Beach's biggest events and festivals are also held from late spring to fall, making this time of year a popular choice for visitors.
The average hourly wind speed in Myrtle Beach experiences significant seasonal variation over the course of the year. Some Myrtle Beach resorts also offer a good number of off-season benefits, such as indoor pools and services available to guests year-round. Myrtle Beach becomes a paradise for beach days and for lounging by the pool thanks to temperatures that reach 80 degrees during the high season. Check out A Very Broadway Christmas Parade if you want to see how Myrtle Beach celebrates the holiday. For the purposes of this report, Myrtle Beach's geographical coordinates are 33,689 degrees of latitude, -78,887 degrees of longitude and 23 feet of elevation.
The darkest period of the year lasts 2.8 months, from November 11 to February 6, with an average daily incident shortwave energy per square meter below 3.5 kWh. If you're planning a trip to Myrtle Beach, it's important to consider when you'll be visiting in order to get the most out of your experience. According to this score, the best times of the year to visit Myrtle Beach and do activities in warm climates are from late May to mid-July and from early August to the end of September, with a maximum score in the first week of September.